View Full Version : Mayor backs off tax effort

04-11-2007, 02:50 PM
The mayor of Santo Domingo West (SDO) has desisted from his efforts to collect a 1? sales tax from the businesses that operate in his municipality. According to the Diario Libre, Mayor Francisco Pena has announced the suspension or "delay" in the application of the city council resolution that levied a one cent sales tax on all sales within the municipality limits. Although the official decision will be announced later today with the PRD party secretary general Orlando Jorge Mera, Pena told the Diario Libre reporters that he had decided to take into account the requests made by PRD party officials to reconsider the tax move. Readers should know that the Dominican Refinery, cement concerns, and major manufacturers and wholesalers are located within the municipality limits, giving the municipality a potentially enormous tax base. In spite of the step back, the PRD mayor maintains his insistence that the business community of SDO "should contribute more to the development of the community." Pena reminded the reporters also of the fact that while he had met with the president of the Herrera Industrial Association, Jesus Moreno no firm commitments were made.

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