View Full Version : Falconbridge to expand their refinery

04-11-2007, 02:50 PM
The Falconbridge Dominicana Company has announced the projected expansion of their oil refinery at a cost of US$50 million. The feasibility studies are underway, and the company expects to be able to handle up to 20,000 barrels of crude per day, and produce 3,700 barrels of gasoline, 7,850 barrels of diesel, 4,075 barrels of fuel oil, and 375 barrels of LPG per day. The Falconbridge spokesperson said that ecological and quality controls are already in place at the refinery that follows a policy of sustainable development as well as the environmental laws of the Dominican Republic. The investment is a logical one, considering the fact that the company already operates a refinery to produce fuel oil for the generation station and heavy equipment. With Bonao located on the main North-South highway, and the gateway to the Cibao Valley, transportation costs would be reduced for the area that consumes nearly 40% of the nation's petroleum products. Falconbridge already has a pipeline from the Port of Haina direct to the installation in Loma Peguera near the city of Bonao.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#12)