View Full Version : No wage parity

04-17-2007, 05:50 PM
Diario Libre writes that the DR's highest minimum wage (RD$6,400 per month) is comparatively higher than the minimum wages in Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama and other Latin American countries. But Diario Libre also writes that the DR's lowest minimum wages for specific sectors (RD$3,900 and RD$4,400) are comparatively among the lowest in the entire region.
Dominican labor unions are demanding that the minimum wage be increased to RD$8,000, which would bring benefits to RD$4,696.80. Business sectors are proposing an increase to RD$7,168, and benefits to RD$4,208.33. Free zone workers make at least the RD$6,400 minimum wage.
Furthermore, a paid advertisement by Eng. Bolivar Morel in today's newspapers says that when added benefits are included in the minimum wage, this reaches RD$10,157 a month. Added benefits include the Christmas bonus (RD$533.76 or 8.34%), vacation pay (RD$313.60 or 4.90%), profits bonus (RD$800 or 12.50%), accrued severance payments (RD$470.40 + RD$627.20, or 7.35% + 9.80%), Social Security (RD$410.88 or 6.42%), Infotep training (RD$64 or 1%), health insurance (RD$448 or 7%), work accident insurance (RD$89.60 or 1.40%), for a total of RD$3,757.44 or 58.71%.
The same comparative analysis with competitors in Central America published in the advertisement indicates that at its net total of US$193.93, the Dominican generalized monthly minimum wage is the highest in the region except for Costa Rica, where it stands at US$226.
Current minimum wages in El Salvador are US$151, Guatemala US$131.30, Honduras US$154 and Nicaragua US$72. The labor unions' proposal would bring the wage to US$242.41.

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