View Full Version : Scheduled power outages Saturday

04-20-2007, 03:40 PM
EdeEste is announcing that on 21 April six different circuits in the National District will have their power cut off for essential repair work by the State Run Electric Companies (CDEEE). The outages will last from 7am to 6pm and will affect Gazcue, part of Duarte Avenue, part of Mexico Avenue, part of Pedro Henriquez Urena Avenue, the public office area around the Central Bank, the Listin Diario newspaper, Codetel at 30 de Marzo Street, Telemicro and Hotel Lina. Parts of Villa Consuelo, Rosa Duarte, Don Bosco, Miraflores, Avenue Leopoldo Navarro, UNIBE, parts of Francia Avenue, and parts of 27 de Febrero Avenue will also be affected.
The power situation in Santo Domingo has considerably improved in recent months.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)