View Full Version : The Mirador del Sur Park bandits

04-20-2007, 03:40 PM
Police Chief Bernardo Santana has announced that his force is on the trail of the gang known as the "painted faces", believed to be responsible for a series of violent robberies in Mirador del Sur Park. One mother, Ingrid Zapata, went public with the story in yesterday's Listin Diario after the 13-member gang robbed her family and friends (10 women, six men and seven children) after celebrating a birthday party early on Saturday evening. The victim said that what bothered her most was the police officers' indifferent attitude when she reported the incident. While she waited in the police station, other cases filed in with the same description of the assailants. She complained that the officers just acknowledged it was a gang known as the Km. 8 Gang, after the cave where they meet. Santana said that the police officers stationed in the park had been negligent.
But to make matters worse, the Listin Diario says that members of the so-called "Banda del 8" had just recently been absolved by state prosecutors after a recent arrest by the police. Santo Domingo Mayor Roberto Salcedo also reacted by announcing that he would be working in coordination with the Police to ensure public safety in the city's main park.

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