View Full Version : DR-CAFTA's here - but prices keep rising

04-24-2007, 05:20 PM
Listin Diario writes that although DR-CAFTA has come into effect, the price of many goods continue to rise, to the surprise of many. Listin writes that with the exception of just a few products, most prices have increased. Chicken, rice, potatoes, onions, peppers and powdered milk have declined in price. Prices for some imported tires and home appliances also went down. Altagracia Paulino, head of the Consumer Rights Foundation (Fundecom) had warned that DR-CAFTA would bring a wider variety of products for consumers to choose from, but not price cuts. She said that since the importers are the same as ever, prices will remain high. She advocated for a true opening of the market. There is hope that the sellers market would revert to a buyers market in the short term. Eddy Martinez of the Center for Exports and Investment (CEI-RD) has announced that major US chains like Wal-Mart and Home Depot are seriously eyeing the Dominican market. Sources also indicate that Swedish furniture giant IKEA is building a mega-store designed to serve Central America and the Caribbean at the former site of the UNPHU campus on Santo Domingo's JF Kennedy Avenue.

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