View Full Version : Salary debate continues

04-24-2007, 05:20 PM
The business sector and the workers unions are inches away from an agreement. Diario Libre writes that both sides have agreed in principle to a 15% increase in the minimum wage, but are still stuck on the proposed increases for other salary brackets. One proposal on the table is for a 5% increase for people who make up to RD$24,000, but the workers unions want a 5% and 10% increase for the other salary brackets. The other stalemate is on the issue of back-payment. While the business sector says that any increase would be paid as of 1 April, the workers unions say it should be retroactive to 1 January. Maribel Gasso, head of the Dominican Employers Confederation (Compardom) quoted in Diario Libre, said that an agreement could be reached by Thursday, when both sides are scheduled to meet. Hoy newspaper, however, is reporting that not all the unions are accepting the proposals. Hoy writes that the Autonomous Union Confederation (CASC) has agreed in principle to the deal, but that the Union Unity Confederation (CNUS) is calling the proposal "ridiculous". Union leader Pepe Abreu says that a 5% increase is not enough for workers who earn up to RD$30,000.

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