View Full Version : Salary Committee meets today

04-25-2007, 05:40 PM
The National Salaries Committee has called an urgent meeting to discuss the latest outcomes of talks on increasing the minimum wage and other benefits between workers and business representatives. Gloria Henriquez, who heads the committee, told El Caribe reporters that she requested the meeting through various media and that all parties have confirmed their attendance. Despite the controversy surrounding the wage talks, Henriquez said that she felt it would be possible to reach an agreement during the meeting. DR Employers Confederation (COPARDOM) president Maribel Gasso told reporters that her group would attend the meeting but that they would be sticking to their offer for increasing just the minimum wage. Spokespersons for the National Union Unity Council (CNUS), including Rafael Abreu, have confirmed their attendance in hope of breaking the deadlock. Abreu said that his union is only willing to accept a 15% increase to the minimum wage and a 10% increase in salaries up to RD$30,000 per month. Abreu also revealed that the business sector had circulated a memorandum suggesting a 5% increase in wages above the minimum, which he described as "unacceptable." Management sources have told El Caribe reporters that the excessive tax burden carried by businesses limits their ability to increase salaries. Business sector representatives Eduardo Valcarcel and Joel Santos pointed out that taxes on business and industry have increased over recent years and that costs, especially for energy, have also become a burden.

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