View Full Version : Political parties want reform

04-26-2007, 06:10 PM
Leaders of the PRSC, PRD and PLD have all expressed their support for the idea of campaign finance reform after Central Electoral Board judge Dr. Jose Angel Aquino revealed that the three main political parties have spent RD$350 million on their pre-presidential campaigns. Sergia Elena de Seliman of the PRSC, Danilo Diaz of the PLD and Orlando Jorge Mera of the PRD say that it is time for campaign finance reform. Orlando Jorge Mera called the spending "excessive" and says that the PLD needs to explain its level of spending. He said that the public should be concerned about this situation. He said that the PRD would be submitting a bill calling for campaign finance reform. Jorge Mera also called for transparency and said that the PLD has been anything but transparent.
The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Julio Cesar Valentin (PLD) committed to submit changes to the Electoral Law. The plan is to make campaign spending more transparent and incorporate controls on spending and duration of the campaigns, as well as define the use of taxpayer money for politics. The new regulations would also curb the use of the so-called noisey "discolight" vehicles that blast music to stir citizens to vote for a candidate. The legislation could be in time for the 2008 Presidential campaign.

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