View Full Version : What's up for grabs

04-26-2007, 06:10 PM
In an op-ed contribution Listin Diario, Legislator Vinicio A Castillo Seman comments that what is worth noting about the Sonia Pierre nationality case is that it could "officialize" the forgery of nationality paperwork as a way of securing Dominican nationality. Castillo points to the investigation carried out at the Central Electoral Board that found strong evidence that leading Haitian rights activist Sonia Pierre's parents obtained their child's Dominican citizenship irregularly. JCE investigations have revealed thousands of cases of forged citizenships, which means that the decision could affect thousands in similar situations and thousands more in future years. Castillo says that the forgery issue has yet to be addressed by the JCE. He comments that the United Nations Assembly Resolution 869 IX General Assembly of 4 December 1954 effective 13 December 1975 establishes in its Art. 8 that to obtain nationality through false statements or fraud is one of the exceptional causes for which a state can revoke a citizen's nationality, even in extreme cases where a citizen might be made stateless. Castillo writes that in Pierre's case, she would not become stateless because the Haitian Constitution says that children of Haitian parents are Haitians no matter where they were born. Castillo asks: "What is the sin, or the problem with Mrs. Pierre being Haitian? Why do she and her defenders understand that it is denigrating to state that she is a citizen of Haiti?"
"Mrs. Pierre, her defenders and powerful nations (that do not want a single Haitian in their own vast territories), want to abolish, diminish and contract our laws and our sovereignty to draft immigration policies. They want to achieve, as they have been achieving, that anyone who can cross the border, be born or say they were born here, that Haitians can obtain their nationality with fake statements through forged declarations and with the last names of Dominican parents," writes Castillo.
He wonders why Mrs. Pierre does not suggest that the powerful Kennedy Foundation use its influence so that Florida can accept even a minimal amount of Haitian immigrants?
Castillo concludes that if despite proof of forgery, Pierre's Dominican nationality is consolidated, it would send a message to all Haitians to "entren to", quoting a popular statement by legislator Ramon Alburquerque meaning "open the gates, all are welcome".

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