View Full Version : Jose Tomas drops out of race

04-27-2007, 02:30 PM
With only a few days to go for the PLD internal elections, Jose Tomas Perez has announced that he will be dropping out of the pre-presidential campaign and says that he will be supporting President Leonel Fernandez's re-election campaign. Perez made his announcement through a document titled "Agreement for the PLD's unity and triumph' - 'Acuerdo por la unidad y el triunfo del PLD," in which he urges the public to turn out and vote for Fernandez as the PLD's candidate for the 2008 presidency on 6 May. He said he decided to back President Fernandez because most surveys show that Fernandez is the candidate who has the greatest support within and beyond the party.
President Fernandez's main contender for the PLD presidential nomination, Danilo Medina reacted to the announcement that Jose Tomas Perez has allied himself with President Leonel Fernandez by saying that the move doesn't really change anything and that he will win the 6 May convention with more than 60% of the vote.

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