View Full Version : Fernandez wins party primary

05-07-2007, 04:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has won the right to run for the PLD party once again in the May 2008 presidential election. The second of three bulletins showed that Fernandez had received 71.46% of the vote, compared to his rival Danilo Medina's 28.54%. In all, 220,437 votes were counted, of which 3,534 were annulled. Fernandez received 154,991 votes and Medina 61,912.
As of the second bulletin, 855 (36.37%) of the 2,351 voting stations had been counted, according to Listin Diario. A third bulletin was promised for Monday, 7 May at 4pm. However, Medina conceded defeat three hours before the first results were released.

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