View Full Version : Don't use LMD funds

05-10-2007, 02:40 PM
The Administrative Chamber of the Central Electoral Board (JCE) has warned PRSC pre-presidential candidate Amable Aristy Castro against using Dominican Municipal League (LMD) funds for any political activity and is ordering Aristy to return RD$100,000 to the LMD. The funds are for the printing of a booklet that included the name of the DML and promotes Aristy's election bid. Through resolution 008-2007 the JCE is ordering Aristy to use his own funds to promote his presidential aspirations and not use LMD funds. The LMD is the government body that oversees the funding of city governments nationwide.
Judge Roberto Rosario signed the resolution that states that Aristy must deposit at the JCE documentation to prove that he used private, and not public funds, for his campaign.

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