View Full Version : Wishful thinking with the Metro

05-11-2007, 03:20 PM
Despite increasing public rejection of the Santo Domingo Metro project and increasing suspicion that the Metro project was initiated without the proper surveys and studies being conducted, the project is moving along. Diario Libre reports that 560 tons of steel railings have arrived in the country and are currently awaiting installation. Each railing is 18 meters in length. The rails were made in France by the CIN-TSO company, which has been contracted to install the first line of the Santo Domingo Metro. According to Metro officials, the first line of the Metro will be ready by December of this year if all goes according to plans.
Speaking at the Listin Diario, Office for the Reorganization of Transit (OPRET) head Diandino Pena said that the Metro will eventually stretch across the whole country, though this will be carried out in the next 50 to 100 years.
Responding to criticisms that the Metro was constructed without the proper studies, Pena commented that there is nothing safer than the metro tunnels and said that the proper studies have been done.
Though Pena demonstrates confidence in the project and assures the proper studies have been done not everyone is on the same page. Journalist Huchi Lora keeps asking for Metro plans to be released to the public and proof that the proper studies have been carried out. But his request has met with resistance from Pena and even President Leonel Fernandez.
Though Lora's request, through the freedom of information act, was upheld by a court ruling, Fernandez is arguing that because of public safety and national security, the information requested by Lora should not be released.
Geologist Osiris de Leon has speculated that there has been so much secrecy because the required studies have not been done, and there is much improvisation as the work progresses. Journalist Huchi Lora says that he has yet to receive any information regarding his request and earlier this week Listin Diario reported that the Office for the Reorganization of Transit (OPRET) and the Dominican government are looking to appeal a court decision that would force OPRET to hand over studies of the Dominican Metro to Lora.
Government lawyers Antonio Delgado and Mariano German explained that the ruling to hand over the information can't be released until the Supreme Court rules on the issue. Delgado continued by saying that because of national security issues, certain plans cannot be revealed to the public. Delgado did however say that the Metro has all of its plans and studies. During a meeting at Listin Diario, OPRET head Diandino Pena presented various plans and studies for the Santo Domingo Metro.

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