View Full Version : Metro studies "do not exist"

05-14-2007, 04:50 PM
According to a report in Monday's El Dia, Office for the Reorganization of Tranport (OPRET) head Diandino Pena admits that the studies requested by journalist Huchi Lora do not exist. Pena is quoted as saying "we handle the technical part, and when they want to see all the documents, they are here; we will adhere to the court ruling. Now they are asking for documents that they know do not exist and there are reasons why, and they insist on that. Then we do not know what is behind that," stated Pena. He insisted, though that the law of access to public documents had been applied incorrectly and has yet to comply. Lora requested the documents and took OPRET to court when these were refused, after geologist Osiris de Leon said that the builders are improvising as they go along, increasing the cost of the project, because the required studies were not carried out.
OPRET was served a court ruling on 27 April ordering Pena to provide the documentation requested by Lora.

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