View Full Version : A government official above the law?

05-14-2007, 04:50 PM
Diario Libre's page two A.M. column pointed out over the weekend how the Public Information Access Law applies to everyone, not just to ordinary citizens. Writer Ines Aizpun explains that the law was drafted so that all citizens could have access to information that public officials frequently consider to be for their own use. She expressed her hopes that the case of journalist Huchi Lora and the OPRET office responsible for building the metro is resolved satisfactorily and that director Diandino Pena complies with the court ruling that orders him to answer the journalist's questions about the studies and plans. She comments on how for now, what the OPRET has done is to show other studies to another media.
"Thus, with childish delay tactics (with the backing of the President himself), they try to muddy the waters. Instead they have succeeded in exacerbating the problem even further. Now it is not just about the metro, but about whether a top government official believes that the law does not apply to him," she writes.
"Curiously they are convincing us that truly, there are no approved plans, and that the exhaustive ground studies do not exist, and that they don't know how to disguise these facts. Long live progress and modernity!"

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