View Full Version : A look at power company figures

05-14-2007, 04:50 PM
Power distribution companies post a 66.6% increase in collections over the last two years. Diario Libre explains that this does not reflect an increase in the number of paying customers, but comes as a result of the increase in the cost of the service that is passed on to customers. The Electricity Sector Rescue Plan prepared by state-run power sectors indicates that in 2004, distributors EdeNorte, EdeSur and EdeEste collected US$45 million on average, while the average rate was 12 cents to the dollar per kilowatt/hour. Three years later, monthly collections averaged US$75 million, that is, 66.6% more than in 2004. But the average rate is currently 20 cents (US$). "This means that the collections have increased in the same proportion as the rate, so the increase is not the result of better collection efficiency, but rather because of price increases," reports Diario Libre, going on to say that this contradicts the government's claim that the increases are the result of loss reduction, improved collections and less fraud.
In an editorial comment, the same newspaper indicates that so far the present government cannot show an increase in efficiency in the sector, despite a substantial increase in the payroll of the distribution companies (two under government tutelage). Furthermore, the commentary highlights what it calls the "fiasco of the coal-fred power plants, that were announced with great fanfare." "It is evident that the achievements in the sector are due to the major subsidies that taxpayers have to pay, and not to the efficiency of the sector," concludes the editorial.
The report is available at www.ede.gov.do (http://www.ede.gov.do)

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