View Full Version : US officials deny intervening

05-15-2007, 01:20 PM
The US Embassy press attache Dale Largent is denying claims that the United States tried to influence Dominican nationality policy. Largent made his statements in a letter sent to Hoy newspaper in response to comments made by President Leonel Fernandez during a meeting with the Corripio Group on 3 May. Fernandez said that the United States tries to impose nationality policies on other countries and as a response the DR should come up with constitutional mechanisms that go beyond the "jus solis." Fernandez said that the US has its own nationality policies but tries to impose them on everyone else. As a response Largent said that the US strongly respects other countries' sovereignty. Largent said that the DR is misinterpreting the situation and says that this misunderstanding is due to the different, non-related issue of the registering and documentation of non-resident foreigners.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#12)