View Full Version : Companies delay deductions

05-16-2007, 06:10 PM
Because of the confusion surrounding the announced start-up of the SFS, the Family Health Insurance system proposed by the government, many businesses have chosen to not started deducting the 2.7% required by the law for the SFS. According to El Caribe, the business community has delayed these deductions until the next pay cycle. According to interviews conducted by the paper's reporters, employers said that they were delaying the deductions because of the uncertainty that the government plan would offer the services needed by the workers after physicians and clinics rejected the levels of pay they would receive. The leaders of the Dominican Confederation of Business Owners (COPARDOM) and the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE) coincided in their agreement that businesses should wait until the situation is clearer before deducting monies from workers' salaries. Celso Marranzini, a former Business Council (CONEP) president concurred. According to the newspaper, of the fifteen businesses that were consulted only one said that they had made the additional 2.7% deduction.

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