View Full Version : Fort Terrenas?

05-16-2007, 06:10 PM
A series of robberies has led people to believe that the beautiful haven known as Las Terrenas, on the northern side of the Samana Peninsula, might be turning into something more like the well-known Fort Apache in the south Bronx. Diario Libre reports that two men dressed as policemen were captured by security cameras as they robbed the Pinos de Austria Hotel. The Samana Tourist Services Business Alliance reported that eight armed robberies have taken place in Las Terrenas over the last few days including one incident in which a female tourist was injured. Hotel owners showed copies of photographs to the authorities and announced rewards for information leading to the capture of the criminals. Because of the increase in crime, Police Chief General Bernardo Santana Paez has ordered the transfer of the local police commander, but the local business community is considering taking things into their own hands by reinforcing security around their properties. The local citizen security program is being guided by Fernando Tapia, a retired general and an expert in the field, as well as a former defense minister of Colombia.

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