View Full Version : President receives tax proposals

05-21-2007, 05:50 PM
President Leonel Fernandez will address the nation this week on the issue of relaxing some of the taxes on alcoholic beverages and tobacco. The news was given to the press by Treasury Minister Vicente Bengoa, who said that he himself had handed the proposals to the President. Rum and beer companies have been saying that the latest tax increases have sharply cut into their sales and as a result the government has received hundreds of millions of pesos less in tax revenues. Diario Libre newspaper says that the President "will announce a relaxation" of the tax on these beverages. Bengoa said that he handed the proposals to the President last week and that Internal Revenue chief Juan Hernandez was also present at the session. Hernandez is one of the authors of the new proposals. Bengoa said that the proposals were of a wider scope than the mere reduction of taxes.

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