View Full Version : Mr. Cool not a hot commodity

05-22-2007, 06:00 PM
The Customs Department (DGA) announced that yesterday it has taken 90,000 units of Mr. Cool and Excel toothpastes out of circulation. The toothpastes, imported from China through Panama, contain the toxic chemical Diethylene Glycol. In Panama, 100 deaths were reported due to the use of the toothpaste. The toothpaste was imported as animal feed, as reported in the Listin Diario. Intelligence officials at Customs say they managed to get toothpastes that were being sold at the market in Villa Consuelo, in Pequeno Haiti, and the Avenida Duarte, shopping areas primarily frequented by the poorest consumers. Listin Diario writes that Customs has collected shipments in various provinces and has warned the Haitian government about the dangers of the toothpastes.

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