View Full Version : President nixes SS changes

05-23-2007, 02:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has told reporters that no changes will be made to the current Social Security legislation. At the same time, he said that today's meeting with the different parties involved could determine the start up of the health care program. The controversial Law 87-01, which establishes the nation's social security program, includes the health care program, SFS, which is currently the subject of a very heated debate. According to the President the possibility of modifying the law would not determine whether or not the family health care program enters into effect. The President said "in any case, what we can guarantee right now is that the social security system as seen under Law 87-01 will go into effect... it could be changed sometime later, I don't know, but to start up, it is not necessary to change it, we can go with what we have." In his comments to the press, the President was upbeat and confident that the problem issues were diminishing. He recalled that when these discussions started over a year ago, 14 or 15 major questions were on the table, and now everything has come down to just two or three important issues.

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