View Full Version : Personal difference stopping energy law?

05-24-2007, 03:11 PM
Spokesman for PRD deputies Christian Paredes is claiming that the reason the changes to the General Electricity Law have not been approved is a long-running disagreement between State-Run Electricity Companies (CDEEE) head Radhames Segura and Economy and Planning Minister Temistocles Montas, which has continually delayed the process. Paredes says that both officials have "antagonistic' viewpoints and this has caused the project to lie dormant in the Chamber of Deputies. Paredes noted that the PLD has the majority in Congress and described Treasury Minister Vicente Bengoa's claim, and any other excuse, that it's the Congress's fault that the project has not been passed, as foolish.
Meanwhile, Hoy newspaper comments on the bill in its editorial column, expressing the hope that the changes to the General Electricity Law are balanced and that the penalties do not discriminate between users and the power distributors. "Stealing power by using illegal connection should be as criminal an act as the billing and charging for a power service that is not provided," states the writer.
The suggested changes to the Law also would affect the competitiveness of businesses, while favoring the power distribution companies' profitability. This would be more of penalizing those who pay for the service, versus demanding efficiency from the providers of the service.

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