View Full Version : I spy #1

05-28-2007, 06:00 PM
The mini-column called "The Spy" that appears on page 4 of Diario Libre is often good fun to read. On Saturday, The Spy reported that on Friday evening at about 7:45pm, many of the vehicles that were using the elevated portions of John F. Kennedy Avenue, going west to east, could witness the spectacle of an AMET SUV with seven officers inside and who were apparently enjoying the ride and a large beer that they were drinking. There were more than a few surprised drivers, but the surprise was greater for the AMET officers when they saw a clearly marked vehicle from Diario Libre right next to them! Then, with great speed, they tried to hide the bottle of beer.
Today's Diario Libre and "The Spy", say that AMET wanted more details of the incident reported, but the newspaper said that if they really intended to punish the offenders, a look at the list of agents assigned to that area should be enough.

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