View Full Version : The minister is upset

05-30-2007, 02:50 PM
Yesterday's Diario Libre revealed that Minister of Tourism Felix Jimenez was an interested party in the zoning code that governs construction along the Dominican east coast. The paper pointed out that Ministry of Tourism Resolution 154-04, emitted by Jimenez, descriminates on the density of hotel rooms per hectare. In the areas where the minister did not have any personal interests, there was a limit of between 25 and 40 rooms per hectare. In those areas where the minister did have interests, such as Stanza Mara and Pueblo Bavaro developments, the density was raised to 70 rooms per hectare. The areas not containing properties belonging to the minister are allowed an average of 37 rooms and the areas where the minister is involved are allowed 70 rooms. According to today's Diario Libre the minister was upset at the revelations and began calling the morning news shows at 5:30am yesterday, denouncing what he called a campaign by Diario Libre executives to discredit him. He admitted that he was the owner of properties that benefited from the decree but could not, according to the paper, explain the disparity. As reported by Diario Libre, the minister argued he had been a real estate developer for more than 30 years.

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