View Full Version : Figueres opposes coal-fired generators

06-01-2007, 04:00 PM
Former Costa Rican President Jose Maria Figueres says that although the Dominican Republic has every right to increase its energy producing capacity, the country should consider using fuels that pollute less. Figueres says that the country should not build two planned coal plants that are expected to produce 300MW of energy each. A letter of credit for securing the necessary financing for the power plant is still pending Congressional approval. Figueres described the plants as "highly polluting".
Figueres, who spoke during a luncheon with the Corripio Group, says that the burning of fossil fuel is a direct cause of the increase in the earth's temperature. Figueres pointed out that this problem does not only affect the DR but the larger industrialized nations as well. Figueres, speaking on the state of trade and commerce, said that countries should find a way of making the most of globalization and says that anything that induces change and growth is important for any country. He also said that one-sided development is not the answer and this is why countries should also focus on environmental issues.
Figueres proposed that the DR create free trade zones along the border in cooperation with Haiti to generate jobs for Haitians and reduce migration to the Dominican Republic. The former president said that Haiti could become a trade advantage for the country. Figueres realized he was stepping into a minefield when he made his comments but said that the DR has nine million people next door who could become considerable consumers and investors.
"If tomorrow the DR tells the World Bank, the IMF, the IDB, the governments of the United States and the European Union and everybody who has wanted to fix the problem of Haiti and not been able to, that it commits with solidarity to help solve the problem, I am sure that we could finance the programs to train the people for those industries," he told the audience at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) Aula Magna during his address on responsibility for global warming and the current challenges.

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