View Full Version : Nuts

06-06-2007, 03:10 PM
No, dear reader, this is not the famous statement made by General McAuliffe of the101st Airborne trapped in Bastogne, Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge during WWII. It is the real thing. Macadamia nuts, in fact. Plan Sierra, the nation's best managed and most imaginative forestry program sponsored a seminar to promote the production of macadamia nuts as an central part of saving the country's forests and improving the lives of the campesinos who live in the region. The seminar was coordinated by the Agro-Business Board (JAD) and the Dominican Macadamia Cluster. All aspects of the crop were discussed, even ideas for international marketing. The lead speaker, Salvador Demallistre, said that the crop "will be the salvation of the forests and of the Dominican campesinos" due to macadamia's excellent economic and ecological potential. The Dominican Macadamia Cluster is proposing a massive harvest of macadamia in areas such as San Jose de las Matas, Jarabacoa, Polo, Barahona, Constanza, Loma Quita Espuela in San Francisco de Macoris and other places. As well as the JAD, several international groups are working to promote the nut harvest. Representatives from Pedernales, Barahona, Bonao, Jimani and Padre de las Casas attended the seminar, during which plans were announced for the creation of three tree nurseries. Two other key speakers at the seminar were Jesus Moreno, the CEO of Bon Industries, who guaranteed the purchase of all macadamia grown under the proper conditions, and Manuel Arsenio Urena, the pioneer who introduced macadamia production to the Dominican Republic in 1981.

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