View Full Version : The general's thieves are dead

06-06-2007, 03:10 PM
At about 5:30am yesterday morning, retired General Francisco Reynoso de la Cruz was getting ready for his daily constitutional when he was attacked by two thieves who had been "working" the neighborhood of Los Corales in eastern Santo Domingo. The general drew his weapon but was wounded in the struggle. However, a police patrol was in the neighborhood and intercepted the muggers near the V Centennial Race Course, just a few meters from the robbery site. Shots were fired and the two thieves, identified (according to Listin Diario) as Carlos Valerio and "Tony" were fatally wounded and died on the way to the hospital. According to local witnesses, the pair had robbed two other houses before coming upon the general. They had stolen a sword from a house on Rodolfo Machon St., which was found in the general's house. A few minutes later they broke through the iron bars of a house belonging to Alfredo Mancebo where they stole a radio and an inverter as well as a bunch of clothes later found abandoned in a nearby vacant lot. Then they went to the general's house. According to Diario Libre the general is recovering from his wound at the Ramon de Lara Military Hospital. According to the paper, their sources in the police department said that the cops had recovered the general's sidearm as well as another 9mm pistol and a .38 cal. Revolver.

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