View Full Version : "Anti-Christ" in the DR?

06-08-2007, 04:10 PM
No the anti-Christ has not surfaced in the DR though some, including Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez, would have said otherwise upon the arrival of Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda. De Jesus, speaking in Listin Diario criticized some in the Dominican Republic for trying to impede his speech on the number 666, that was scheduled to be given at the Aula Magna at the UASD University. He says that the Catholic Church used its influence to not make this happen. The speaker, who calls himself Christ Man, says that he only wants the DR as well as other nations to learn the real meaning of the number 666, that is the supposed representation of Satan. De Jesus arrived in the country yesterday, greeted by religious protestors, and though his speech has no venue yet Listin Diario writes that it is a guarantee that many will be paying attention to what he says.
The Cardinal made a scathing attack on preacher Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda, calling him "a charlatan." Miranda calls himself the Anti-Christ because "we are no longer supposed to follow Jesus of Nazareth, therefore we are antichrists." The Cardinal said that the preacher should be sent home as soon as possible, without any hesitation.

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