View Full Version : Government looks at teamsters

06-11-2007, 05:30 PM
The nation's cargo haulers, known in the English speaking world as teamsters, are under close scrutiny by the Transport Reorganization Office (OPRET), the office run by Metro czar Diandino Pena, and by the National Competitiveness Council (CNC). According to El Caribe, the sector needs "urgent" reorganization. Over the next seven months, the powers that be will try and design a project to recover control of the haulage industry in the Dominican Republic. The resources, US$170,000, are coming from a program funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and channeled through the Competitiveness Fund. One of the key issues is how licenses are secured by the drivers. Another is the operation of cargo hauling businesses. Perhaps one of the major goals is a reduction in the age of the cargo fleet, where the average age of the semis is 16 years and the goal is to reach five years. Currently, it can cost a business more to haul a container from the port of entry to the business site than it does to ship the container to the Dominican Republic.

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