View Full Version : Magistrate calls law obsolete

06-11-2007, 05:30 PM
Central Electoral Board (JCE) magistrate Eddy Olivares has called the current Civil Registry Act an obsolete piece of legislation that needs to be reshaped. According to Olivares, the current legislation is a stumbling block for people trying to get their documents. Law 659 requires the President and the Justice Department to intervene in many cases where people's names or dates are incorrectly written in the Civil Registry of Vital Statistics. A 1948 decision that has been confirmed by the Supreme Court establishes that it is not a person's fault if a name or date is improperly recorded on an official birth certificate, for example. Olivares says that the common citizen is unduly penalized when attempting to correct such errors. Olivares is suggesting legislation that would send such requests to the JCE Contentions Chamber, eliminating the need for a Presidential signature.

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