View Full Version : Visa mafia in Ministry of Labor

06-11-2007, 05:30 PM
The magistrate at the Third Court of Instruction for the National District has ordered the director of the Department of Human Resources at the Ministry of Labor to be sent to Najayo Prison. The woman is accused together with her husband and two other employees of swindling a bunch of people by promising work visas to Spain and Canada. They are accused of taking in over two million pesos. Magistrate Alejandro Vargas sent Doris Altagracia Vargas Nunez to preventive custody for three months. Chauffeur Danilo Moreta was released on RD$100,000 bail, and banned from all foreign travel. He must appear in the court each week. Husband Narciso Reyes Cabrera was freed with no restraints. One of the accused, Diovanna Vianne Arias was not located by authorities. Minister Ramon Fadul denies any knowledge of the affair.

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