View Full Version : Fernandez leads in polls

06-13-2007, 06:50 PM
A Penn, Schoen & Berland poll published in Hoy newspaper shows that if elections were held today, two years into his term of office, President Leonel Fernandez would win with 50% of the votes. Runner up would be the PRD challenger, Miguel Vargas Maldonado with 35%. PRSC candidate Amable Aristy Castro would garner 11%. A further 4% of 1,005 eligible voters polled say they do not yet know who they would vote for. Interestingly, the vote showed that if Eduardo Estrella had been the PRSC candidate, the PRSC vote would be 12%, and Vargas Maldonado would garner 49%.
Other results included the fact that Fernandez has the lowest rejection rate with 41%, Vargas Maldonado has a 47% rejection rate, and Aristy Castro has a 52% rejection rate.
The survey took place in 100 communities nationwide between 24 and 28 May. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.09%.
In the 2004 presidential election, Fernandez won with 57.1% of the vote, followed by Hipolito Mejia (PRD) with 33.65% and Eduardo Estrella (PRSC) with 8.65%.

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