View Full Version : Amable "wins" primary

06-13-2007, 06:50 PM
Amable Aristy Castro, the PRSC party boss from Higuey, has been declared the victor of the PRSC primary election. Aristy Castro held about a 14% advantage over his nearest rival Eduardo Estrella, according to party results. According to the newspapers, party spokespersons said that with 94.68% of the votes counted, Aristy Castro had received 55.27% of the votes against 41.51% for Estrella. Members of Estrella's electoral team denounced what they called "serious irregularities" in the process. Aristy Castro told reporters that he was open to negotiations.
Participacion Ciudadana, the civic observation group, said that Sunday's PRSC primary was characterised by "intense political patronage and vote purchase intention". As reported in Hoy newspaper, Participacion Ciudadana called the fact that cash was for the first time openly distributed to influence voters who showed up in the primary as a serious fault of the proceedings. The PRSC primary was open to any Dominican who is eligible to vote. PC said that the electoral law needed to be modified to penalize this clientelistic practice. PC also pointed to marked irregularities in the primary, specifying the case of the Don Pedro Tapia school voting station in Higuey, where supposedly 2,499 people had voted, or an average of one person per 12 seconds. The voting act shows that 2,490 voted for Aristy castro, Estrella received four votes and Toral 3.

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