View Full Version : Spending taxes with equity

06-13-2007, 06:50 PM
In an editorial today, Hoy newspaper comments on the Fernandez government's announcement that it would invest the surplus of tax revenues generated by recent tax increases in public works. It announced that it is preparing a complementary budget to send to Congress. The newspaper points out that the tributary bonanza contradicts statements by the tax director Juan Hernandez that the government would go broke if it reduced the income tax to 15, down from a proposed reduced 25%.
The editorial also comments that the government proposal for redistributing tax revenues "does not appear to be the most beneficial for citizens because it is sustained by public spending that is vulnerable to circumstantial distortions, especially when electoral campaigns take place." The newspaper says that the announcement of the decision to spend the money on a construction spree that coincides with the presidential campaign is an example of this. "The tributary policy is not designed as an instrument of development and thus does not show equity," writes the editorialist.

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