View Full Version : IMF needed here

06-13-2007, 06:50 PM
The business community has come out in favor of the continued presence of the International Monetary Fund in the Dominican Republic. They called the IMF an efficient instrument for budget control and an effective protection against populist economic policies. The presidents of the National Council for Private Business (CONEP), the Dominican Confederation of Small and Medium Businesses (CODOPYME), the Industrial Association, and the Importers' Association were in agreement about the need to renew the state's obligations with the IMF beyond 2008. While the business leaders were in agreement with President Fernandez's statement that the "DR was a patient of the IMF and would be discharged soon", nevertheless they added that the IMF should continue supervising the country's finances. Ignacio Mendez, the head of the Industrial Association, said that the IMF was "a straight-jacket for unwise economies in the face of a lack of institutions and prevailing populist economic policies."

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#9)