View Full Version : Fernandez leaves today

06-15-2007, 03:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez sets off for Brazil at 10am today. He will be making a stopover in Miami to take part in a set of activities and will travel on to Brazil tomorrow where he is due to meet with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Fernandez is scheduled to return to the DR on 23 June.
Trade with Brazil has increased in recent years, as reported in Clave Digital. The Dominican consul in Brazil, Dionis Perez says that Brazil exported US$260 million to the DR in 2004, and the DR exported US$1 million to Brazil during the same year. By the end of 2006, Brazilian-DR trade had increased to US$368 million. During that period Dominican exports doubled. Likewise, he pointed out that tourism is up, from 5,000 tourists in 2004 to 11,000 in 2006. The consul also mentioned the increase in borrowing from Brazil, totaling around US$400 million for the construction of two major hydroelectric dams and other projects.
President Fernandez's agenda in Brazil also includes a visit to the Universidad del Valle de Paraiba, ethanol operations, and to the Embraer aviation industry. The Dominican government is interested in purchasing Brazilian planes for the air force.

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