View Full Version : Revolutionaries get proper burials

06-15-2007, 03:40 PM
A day after being honored by President Leonel Fernandez, and with the help of the three surviving 14 June movement members, the bodies of six revolutionaries were moved to the National Heroes Monument. At present, 133 national figures are buried at the monument. Although the identities of these last six bodies have not been confirmed, DNA tests are being conducted. Porfirio Rodriguez, head of the Heroes of Constanza Foundation says that even though their identities are unknown it doesn't mean you can't honor what they achieved. One of the surviving revolutionaries, Mayobanex Vargas, who fought to overthrown the Trujillo regime, recalled that "at times, Trujillo even controlled the Dominican people's breathing". The movement is considered a turning point for the subsequent overthrowing of the Dictator Trujillo two years later.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#14)