View Full Version : Kidnappers caught

06-18-2007, 06:00 PM
The police have announced the recovery of a four-year old boy and the arrest of five people involved in the case. According to a report in El Caribe, police chief Bernardo Santana Paez said that a close family friend and psychologist, Maria Vianny Corona Suriel, was the mastermind behind the kidnapping that was intended to bring an RD$8.0 million payoff. The boy was taken from his grandmother's house while the other gang members distracted her. It all started when Corona Suriel, who is well known in the household, called the boy's grandmother to say that a package with brochures for a seminar in Puerto Plata was going to be delivered to the house. They seized the child while the woman was putting the box away. The case was resolved within 48 hours.

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