View Full Version : Too many eggs in the basket

06-20-2007, 02:50 PM
Dominican egg producers are fighting on two fronts. One is the fact that there is a surplus of five million eggs each month. The other is from new investors who are accusing the National Egg Producers Association of monopolistic practices and of violating DR-CAFTA rules. According to Listin Diario, the president of the Dominican Agro-Business Board, Francisco Leoni Fernandez, has said that if new investors are interested in the industry, it must be because it is profitable. The government called for a meeting of the egg producers, and listened to what ASOHUEVOS had to say. Minister Salvador Jimenez urged the producers to seek some sort of solution, and appointed Leoni Fernandez to head a special commission responsible for seeking a solution to the problems. The new investors accused the association of trying to establish a monopoly by assigning production quotas and favoring certain producers. The accusation mentioned several businesses as being the principal opponents to new actors in the egg production market. At the same time, the producers are not accusing the government of anything, which is strange in itself, but they are asking the government to refuse import permits for the new investors.

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