View Full Version : Soldier's wife causes immigration debate

06-21-2007, 03:50 PM
The wife of missing US Army soldier, Dominican-American Alex Jimenez has some very powerful people on her side. Massachusetts Senator Dem. John Kerry said that the government shouldn't deport the young woman and said it would be a gesture of compassion if the US government were to allow her to stay. Kerry said that it seems inappropriate that the wife of a soldier who has been awarded the Purple Heart, and is now missing in action in Iraq, should be living with such a threat. Kerry has sent a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff asking him not to make a decision about Jimenez's wife, Yaderlin, until the soldier has been found. Yaderlin, who is living in Pennsylvania with Jimenez's family, entered the US illegally in 2001 and Jimenez submitted papers for her in 2004. A spokesperson for the Defense Department said that Yaderlin's case was closed in 2006 and there are no plans to reopen it. Jimenez, who is from Lawrence, Massachusetts, has been missing in Iraq since 12 May.

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