View Full Version : Most of sextuplets go home

07-04-2007, 06:50 PM
There were tears of joy in the eyes of the staff at the Altagracia Maternity Hospital in Santo Domingo, as four of the remaining five sextuplets were sent home. Health Minister Bautista Rojas GUmez and the hospital staff said goodbye to the babies. Only the tiniest one, Ciara Selena, was kept for further treatment at the hospital. She weighs just two and a half pounds, and has some complications with her metabolism. The chief of Perinatology at the hospital, Dr. Luis Rivera, told reporters from the Diario Libre that the babies were doing well and had gained as much as one pound. Rojas GUmez assigned a group of doctors to oversee the progress of the children in the apartment that was rented by the ministry and prepared for the children and their parents.

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