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07-06-2007, 04:00 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) and the Presidential Social Cabinet have agreed to collaborate to regularize the large number of Dominicans who have never been issued birth certificates and therefore do not technically "exist."
Vice President Rafael Alburquerque and JCE president Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman agreed to use a portion of the funds from a US$35 million loan that the World Bank has granted to the JCE for the rehabilitation of the civil registry offices and the modernization and automating of the civil registry. The agreement establishes that US$100,000 may be applied from the loan for every 20,000 persons whose status is regularized by the program. Four mobile units will travel to areas where it is known that large numbers of residents have never been registered. The service will be free of charge. The agreement will last for three years.
Alburquerque commented that the large number of undocumented Dominicans was detected through government social reach programs that seek to issue welfare cards to indigents nationwide.

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