View Full Version : Sichuan, Segura defend contract

07-06-2007, 04:00 PM
The Sichuan Company has come out today and defended its contract with the Dominican government with the argument that the current system in place is capable of buying all the energy they will produce. The Sichuan Heavy Machinery Company and Emirates companies argued thus that the possibility of using the renewable guarantees they have requested from the government are minimal. State Run Electric Companies (CDEEE) head Radhames Segura was responding to accusations by the block of PRD senators that denounced that the contracts the Executive Branch has sent to Congress for financial guarantees for the construction of the coal-figured plants are more onerous to the country than the infamous HydroQuebec-Sofati, Smith Enron and Cogentrix plant contracts.
Segura says that the PRD legislators are responsible for the approval of the onerous Madrid Accord when they were majority in Congress during the Mejia administration.
Segura questioned the lack of coherence in the PRD position. He mentioned that Carlos Sanchez, his predecessor at the CDEEE, had advocated for the installation of the coal-fired plants when he was at the post, and the PRD was government.

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