View Full Version : Rogelio still working hard

07-09-2007, 05:20 PM
Father Rogelio Cruz, the often times controversial priest, is now hard at work making things better for families in the "Maria Auxiliadora" parish in La Vega. As part of the activities surrounding the 50th anniversary of the arrival of the Salesian fathers to La Vega, Father Rogelio had sought better housing for 50 of the poorest families. After a census of the parish's 1,400 homes, word got out as to what Father Rogelio was trying to do, and over 400 requests for consideration flooded the parish offices. With the help of the National Housing Institute (INVI), the project got a start with ten houses. So far, two have been finished and a third, destined for a man and his six children, is almost finished. Each person will be the owner of the house at no cost. If the unit is sold, the costs of the remodeling or construction must be repaid. If the house is rented out, half of the money has to go back to the community building fund. Additional benefits of the program are the salaries earned by the workers and the transfer of technology in the actual construction of these prefab houses.

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