View Full Version : Mother and son reunited

07-09-2007, 05:20 PM
The combined efforts of Dominican diplomatic and police officials, together with assistance from Haitian authorities prevented a Pakistani father from kidnapping his son Hashim Khan Brea. Located last Thursday in Port au Prince, HaitI, the eight year old was brought back to the Dominican Republic by the Dominican consul in HaitI, Carlos Castillo in a Dominican Air Force helicopter. The boy was swept up into the arms of his mother Suany MarIa Brea. The boy was found in the company of his father Azhar Daud Khan and a friend of the father. On 29 June the boy was reported missing after he reportedly left his house to have breakfast with his father. After checking the boy's passport, Rosanna Reyes, a prosecutor for the Court of Women's Affairs, told reporters that the passport had several visas, including one to Cuba and another to Pakistan. The boy's mother was totally surprised and kept asking how the father was able to get these visas without her knowledge. It is currently unknown how the boy crossed into HaitI, since there is no exit stamp in the passport. The prosecutor said that the case will be handled as a kidnapping.
On Saturday the magistrate at the Court of Instruction, Fanny Gonzalez ordered six months of detention for Daud Khan, accused of kidnapping his own son together with two other Pakistanis. These two, Ijar Ahmad and Khuram Shahadad were also remanded to custody until the trial in October.

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