View Full Version : Sexual harrasment at universities

07-10-2007, 06:00 PM
UASD professors deny that there is an increase of sexual harassment at the university and claim that female students dress provocatively to get better grades on assignments. UCSD dean Ramon Alonso said that the situation should be monitored carefully and said that it could be construed as mutual sexual tension or harassment. Education Minister Alejandrina German said that sexual harassment in the educational system will not be tolerated. Professors Miguel Pouerie, Juan de la Cruz, Roberto Byas, Francisco Acosta and HEctor Ortiz said that there are isolated cases at the UASD but its not a big phenomenon, though Pouerie did say that in terms of sexual harassment body language should be analyzed because he claims that some women do use their bodies to get what they want. He says that sometimes female students dress provocatively and stand very close to professors making insinuations in order to get better grades. He says that it hass happened to him and that students would then ask, "Do you think I'll pass this class?"

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