View Full Version : UNFPA and DR sign agreement

07-12-2007, 03:00 PM
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the DR have signed a cooperation agreement to help better maternal health and motivate more male involvement in maternal health. The agreement was signed yesterday, World Population Day by Women's Minister Flavia Garcia, UNFPA representative Nelson Rodriguez and Deputies Gilbert Serulle and Magaly Caram from Profamilia. The agreement will collaborate with the government and the civil society to try to provide women with three basic health services including voluntary family planning, birth care and obstetrician care if there is an emergency.
Gilka Melendez, speaking on behalf of UNFPA said that each minute a woman in some part of the world dies from a preventable cause, as reported in the Listin Diario. She also explained that 99% of the maternal deaths occur in developing nations. UNFA is stressing that men should more vigorously participate as partners in maternal health in order to significantly reduce the number of women who die each day in childbirth.

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