View Full Version : Be careful with your plastic

07-16-2007, 05:10 PM
With the ever-increasing use of credit cards and debit cards, the Dominican consumer is also a target for hackers and other information pirates. According to Listin Diario, as in many countries around the world, the local population is the object of international networks of identity thieves who are on the lookout for the opportunity to steal whatever resources are available on a person's credit card. In the Dominican Republic, according to the Superintendent of Banks, there are close to a million credit card holders and hundreds of millions of electronic transactions each year. The Superintendent of Banks User Protection Department reports that the number of fraud cases reported in the DR is relatively small, and the Dominican Banking Association says that the level of credit card fraud has dropped during the last quarter. But there are still some cases, and some of them are staggering. The newspaper reported one incident that happened a month ago as the cardholder was settling into his seat on an airplane. His cellphone rang and he was asked if he would approve a US$34,000 purchase for some diamonds! The negative answer prevented major fraud from taking place far away from Santo Domingo, but with the correct credit card numbers.

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